Friday, April 23, 2010


This link seems like it will be very useful when I am putting my digital portfolio together. It is a very clear and concise guide to what one should think about and gather when completing their own digital portfolio. I intend to try and use this guide as a checklist when working on my own.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Peer Reviews

The first blog I reviewed was Nicole Smith's (, and I chose this blog because I was at the top of the list, and as per instructions I was to choose the person at the bottom of the list. I chose to comment on her posting with the photobucket assignment because I was curious to see what pictures she used for the elements and principles of art. Here is a link to my c0mment:

The second blog I reviewed was Pam Rubel's ( and I chose this blog because I know Pam, and also because I liked the layout of her page. The polka dots stood out to me when looking through my classmates blogs. I chose to comment on her post about self portraits mainly because I liked that she chose an Andy Warhol self portrait. Here is a link to my comment on her blog:

The third blog that I chose to review belonged to Britney Hager ( I chose her blog because I really liked the pictures that she used for the self portrait assignment, which is also the posting that I commented on. Here is the link to my comments:

I think that using the blog as a classroom communication tool is a good way to get students to look at others work as well as their reflections. I also think that it is useful for the students to learn how to use to share their insights and ideas. Blogs also provide the opportunity to look back and see how your ideas and insights may have changed over time. I think blogs are like personal time lines, and provide an excellent way learn about oneself.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Week 11

On the adobe website, I found the following link, that I would implement in my own classroom:

I would use this resource to help my students document and catalog their artworks. I wish this was a tool that I personally had access to as a student, because over the years and through moving I have lost a good deal of my artwork. Besides looking back at past projects, this would also be beneficial to students looking to eventually enter art school. I think this is a very good way to prepare for that application process.

The second website was for Apple, which I am fairly familiar with. I liked this link about mobile learning:

I would definitely use this with my own students, especially those in middle and high school. It would be especially good for trips to art museums and related field trips, as well as homework assignments.

Thirdly, I visited edutopia. I found this page about project learning:

This talks about the importance of project learning and its benefits. I would use this is my art classroom to engage the students more, and to help them be able to connect real world events to artwork that they are learning about. I feel that my art classroom instruction throughout grade school lacked this, and I definitely paid for that later on in art history classes.